Friday, September 7, 2012

missing necklace

Yaay, my dad and I found my long missing necklace.

here's the story about how I got it, how I lost it and how I found it

It's my favourite necklace, even though it's not the most fashionable one, because I got it for my 14th birthday from a really good friend. Well, she used to be a good friend, but now she's busy with being the pretty, popular girl and finding other pretty friends. That's why I love the necklace so much .. it reminds me of the time we spent together, wow, that sounds so cheesy, but that's the way it is, we used to sing together and to talk about the future we were dreaming of .. oh my gosh, I get really soppy right now .. her birthday is a couple of days earlier than mine and we agreed on NO PRESETNS, but we ended up giving each other necklaces. Yeah, that's how I got it.

There's a theatre group I love a lot, it's called Team StarKid, they do amazing plays, the one that is involved in this story is called 'A Very Potter Musical'. It's a play based on the Harry Potter novels from JK Rowling, in which Darren Criss (Blaine Anderson on Glee) is playing the Harry .. well, my best friend and I were in my bedroom re-playing a scene from this play

look at 8:43 - 9:07
I was Ron and I took the necklace and I flailed the necklace around and let go of it, then it fell behind my huge (and it's literally huge, you can't just shove it around when something falls behind it) wardrobe. So that's how I lost it.

Ok and now comes the story about how I found it. Over my bedroom is the attic and it's not that well build .. so after 10 years living in that house sort of a bump build on my ceiling, so my dad tried to fix it .. he had to shove the wardrobe in order to reach the bump. So we found a lot of dust and MY NECKLACE. True Story. Happy Ending. Yay.

On this occasion I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for my english, I know it's not bad, but I'm sure there're so many mistakes
Btw, please check out Team StarKid on Youtube if you don't know them already

Chrissy out, bitches

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