Sunday, September 23, 2012

it's Brittany, bitch

The other day my best friend and I had a deodorand-war, which was hilarious. I made a video but I'm not sure if I'm gonna post it, since I don't want to reveal too much about me and especially about my friend, who doesn't even know about this blog.

Wow, I saw 'Britney 2.0' and the episode was really great, I made a list about the tings I wanted to tell you about this episode so be ready for a huge post :) spoilers

The opening was hilarious, especially this

and oh my Dumbledeer, Brittany ate oreos during Blaine and Artie's performance of Boys/Boyfriend, I just literally fainted
I loved Sam, Tina and Joe's performance of One Two Three so much, I guess it was my favourite song of this episode
'Poor Brittany', that's what I thought during the wohle episode, when she drew that picture and when they skyped (you can't imagine how happy I was after seeing Santana :))

I have to admit that I really like Cassie and I want a Brody/Cassie background .. DON'T JUDGE!
Oops I Did It Again was soooo hot, this perfrormance can definitely compete with The Cell Block Tango
Sorry, I just get a little excited when the original characters slowly return :)
Gimme More was so funny, OMG! Joe and Blaine were soooo hot in those skin tight black shirts 
The blondie talk was so sweet, really, I just loved the way Sam cared about Brittany and I almost cried because it was really just so sweet
Btw, I totally forgot to say how freakin' amazing Rachel and Kurt's appartment is and OMG I SHIP BROCHEL (is that their shipping name?) SO MUCH, they're so adorable *-*
The looks they gave Jake when he came to glee club were just priceless, I CAN'T FIND PICTURES OF THEM ._.
But I havt to say I didn't like Marley's version ov Everytime, but I guess that's ok. I love the way Rachel got to dance with that guy and Santana being offline was just so sad
Have I already told you that I hate Kitty? No. Fine now you know. We don't need an other Quinn and neitehr do we need someone who destroys the super-cute Jake/Marley thing and noone gets Brittany's job as  head cheerio, got it? :)

But I have to get dressed now, 'casue my whole family is coming over because of my grandma's birthday today, sorry for the spam and spoilers oO

What's your favourite Brittany S. Pierce quote? Mine is 'Dolphins are just gay sharks'

Chrissy out, bitches

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