Wednesday, September 26, 2012

maths sucks

so tomorrow there'll be a maths test and I actually didn't plan to study for that test but as I went to maths boost today, I realised that I have no clue about the last maths year. When we wrote a test like that in 8th grade I got a 6 which is an American F, and I really don't want this to happen again, that's why I'll have a study-maths-sleep-over tonight. I got myself 3 tins of 'monster' (that's an energy drink, I don't know if you guys have it too whereever you're from) and yeah, here a picture of how my bed looks like at the moment
And yes this is my .. I guess my 10th break :)
But my mom said she would buy me a Canon or Nikon camera if I got a good grade so..

bad quality, sorry

energy boost :))

so guys, my question for you: Would you buy a Nikon or a Canon camera? I really don't know which one is better, so I ask you, my non-existing-readers :)

sorry for my English in this post, I guess it was really bad ._.

Chrissy out, bitches


  1. It's all good, I suck at maths too! ;)
    Well, my camera's a Kodak so I can't really comment but Nikon's are always being advertised where I'm from :) xox

    1. Haha, well, actually that's bad but good to hear that I'm not the only one :)
      Oh no, I totally forgot about Kodak, this brand is very popular, too.
      Thanks for your help :) xx

    2. Trust me, maths has never been my thing:D
      They're great cameras!
      Glad to help:) xox

    3. Hahaha, as I said maths just sucks :) xx
