Thursday, September 13, 2012

mischief managed

So guys today was my first day of school in 10th grade and I want to apologise that I'm not going to post as often as I did the last few days.

The day wasn't as bad as expected, my teachers are quite ok and the new guy in my class is definitely not an ashole, yay. My friend  from the other class said that he used to live next to her and that he is actually really nice but he can be sort of an idiot when other boys are around, but I guess every boy's like that so he might be more fun to be with then the rest of my irreparable class.
Well, the sitting arrangement is like that:

teacher's desk
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _  

the red marked place is the one I managed to caught (I mean literally caught, it's always a huge struggle to get the places you want at the first day), which is the place my friends wanted me to get, yay, applause for me!
But now  we have a little fight about who is going to sit next to who. No one wants to sit at the place the most right because the teachers are always paying a lot attention to these people, but we solved that problem. (I'm going to shorten the names of my friends) A sacrificed herself to sit there, but N & K don't want to sit next to her, but I have no problem with that, the only thing I want in return is that K is going to sit next to me, but N doesn't want her to. And K actually wanted to sit on the place the most left because it's so freakin' cosy there (my teachers forced me to sit there in the first row last year, because I was talking too much). So basically we want the order to be like that N, K, C and A. We're all ok with that except for N, that means we all make a compromiss except for N. Gosh, and that really annoys me a lot because she always gets what she wants she only has to bitch a little, and there she goes ._.
I'm really upset and I had to write this, I'm sorry.

Our timetable is quite good, except for thursday, because school ends at 5.45 p.m. which is the latest a school day has ever ended for me (I know that in the USA school days mostly end so late, but to me it's really a new thing). So here comes my timetable for thursday:
1. Social Studies
2. Economics and Law
3. French
4. Geography
5. Maths
6. Chemistry
7. Free Period
8 + 9. Sports
10. German
11. Arts
I don't like that day, I can tell. Last year I dropped Latin and instead I have spanish lessons now, I'm really excited about spanish, because I think it's the greatest language on this planet :)
Oh and we had to write a letter to our future-us's today, we'll get that letter after this year and I guess I'm going to laugh my ass off while reading that letter in a year. So tomorrow is the religious service and on monday there's a first aid course, but after that the hard times will start, our german teacher, who is also our head teacher told us that we're going to have an english and a maths test in about 1 and a half week, yay.

Chrissy out, bitches

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