Monday, September 24, 2012


Instead of preparing my presentation about the country Uruguay for tomorrow's spanish lesson, I'm sitting here, eating alpahbet biscuits and waitng for today's Glee episodes. Big Brother and Saturday-Night-Gleever, yay.
Blaine was so delicous. But I had already eaten all the 'Ls' sorry :)

What is the greatest place you have ever been to? I guess the greatest place I've ever been to is the dripstone cave in Mallorca. It's so beautiful there, you can't believe that these dripstones developed over thousands of years and everything looks so mysthic there. If I find a picture, I'll show you (but I think I won't because, you're not allowed tot take pictures there) and if I don't then just remember the cave from Harry Potter and the Halfblood-Prince ;)

Chrissy out, bitches

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