Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Spanish Teacher

Hi guys, my life is so broring at the moment.
Today my school had an 'hiking day' (I'm not sure if that's the correct term, but google told me) which all the pupils love a lot .. I'm being sarcastic.
The only good thing about hiking days is when you go by bus or train, but we didn't so it was not terrible. My legs are aching badly.
So the reason of this post is that I wanted to tell you that I missed Glee. Hearts and On My Way. I love the songs from Heart and On my Way is my favourite episode in Season 3, so, good job, Chrissy.

I had  my first two spanish lessons and all the girls literally died.He is a young, handsome, half-spanish, half-german teacher and the first thing I thought of was this


I'm so excited for Britney 2.0 today, I'll be able to watch it tomorrow and from what I've heard it's gonna be a funny episode ;)
Btw, my mom managed to break my laptop somehow, yay.
 I have an idea, from now on my posts will include a question for you, which I also answer.. well, I might forget it sometimes, but I'll try to keep it in mind
So. Who's your favourite character on Glee? Mine is Blaine, but I also love Santana.
Chrissy out, bitches

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