Friday, September 7, 2012

it's this jealousy ..

What is jealousy?

Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as angerresentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy.

thank you very much, aunt Wikipedia.

Well, at the moment I am really jealous. Wanna know why? 
I like this page on Facebook, it's called Team Darren Criss, well they have a new admin, Fiona, who told us that her english teacher once dated Darren. First thing to be jealous of. They still talk and well, I think that Fiona is happy to have such an amazing teacher. 
So there was this other girl. who said she had his phone number. More jealousy. I wrote to her and she told me how she got his number .. I'm not going to tell you because I think it's pretty personal and that wloud be such a long story, well she seems to be really nice, but I can't stop that green-eyed monster, which makes me even more jealous. Wow, I think she has achived a lot.

Now a nice thing. She told me that there would be a convention in Germany and a couple of StarKids would be going there. It's called RingCon, here the link
so as you may see it's pretty soon, 5th - 7th october, I'D LOVE TO GO THERE, but it might be to last-minute for my partens and especially for my best friend's mom, because I won't go there without her.

So wish me luck to persuade my parents and my friend's mom and you will get the most amazing post you could ever dream of, PROMISE

here's a song which expresses my feelings so well at the moment .. well fitting to it's source a song from Darren Criss in a lyrics version ♥

an meine deutschen Leser: na, was ist mit euch, geht ihr zur RingCon? Ich würde mich über antworten freuen :)

Chrissy out, bitches

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