Wednesday, September 26, 2012

maths sucks

so tomorrow there'll be a maths test and I actually didn't plan to study for that test but as I went to maths boost today, I realised that I have no clue about the last maths year. When we wrote a test like that in 8th grade I got a 6 which is an American F, and I really don't want this to happen again, that's why I'll have a study-maths-sleep-over tonight. I got myself 3 tins of 'monster' (that's an energy drink, I don't know if you guys have it too whereever you're from) and yeah, here a picture of how my bed looks like at the moment
And yes this is my .. I guess my 10th break :)
But my mom said she would buy me a Canon or Nikon camera if I got a good grade so..

bad quality, sorry

energy boost :))

so guys, my question for you: Would you buy a Nikon or a Canon camera? I really don't know which one is better, so I ask you, my non-existing-readers :)

sorry for my English in this post, I guess it was really bad ._.

Chrissy out, bitches

Monday, September 24, 2012


Instead of preparing my presentation about the country Uruguay for tomorrow's spanish lesson, I'm sitting here, eating alpahbet biscuits and waitng for today's Glee episodes. Big Brother and Saturday-Night-Gleever, yay.
Blaine was so delicous. But I had already eaten all the 'Ls' sorry :)

What is the greatest place you have ever been to? I guess the greatest place I've ever been to is the dripstone cave in Mallorca. It's so beautiful there, you can't believe that these dripstones developed over thousands of years and everything looks so mysthic there. If I find a picture, I'll show you (but I think I won't because, you're not allowed tot take pictures there) and if I don't then just remember the cave from Harry Potter and the Halfblood-Prince ;)

Chrissy out, bitches

Sunday, September 23, 2012

it's Brittany, bitch

The other day my best friend and I had a deodorand-war, which was hilarious. I made a video but I'm not sure if I'm gonna post it, since I don't want to reveal too much about me and especially about my friend, who doesn't even know about this blog.

Wow, I saw 'Britney 2.0' and the episode was really great, I made a list about the tings I wanted to tell you about this episode so be ready for a huge post :) spoilers

The opening was hilarious, especially this

and oh my Dumbledeer, Brittany ate oreos during Blaine and Artie's performance of Boys/Boyfriend, I just literally fainted
I loved Sam, Tina and Joe's performance of One Two Three so much, I guess it was my favourite song of this episode
'Poor Brittany', that's what I thought during the wohle episode, when she drew that picture and when they skyped (you can't imagine how happy I was after seeing Santana :))

I have to admit that I really like Cassie and I want a Brody/Cassie background .. DON'T JUDGE!
Oops I Did It Again was soooo hot, this perfrormance can definitely compete with The Cell Block Tango
Sorry, I just get a little excited when the original characters slowly return :)
Gimme More was so funny, OMG! Joe and Blaine were soooo hot in those skin tight black shirts 
The blondie talk was so sweet, really, I just loved the way Sam cared about Brittany and I almost cried because it was really just so sweet
Btw, I totally forgot to say how freakin' amazing Rachel and Kurt's appartment is and OMG I SHIP BROCHEL (is that their shipping name?) SO MUCH, they're so adorable *-*
The looks they gave Jake when he came to glee club were just priceless, I CAN'T FIND PICTURES OF THEM ._.
But I havt to say I didn't like Marley's version ov Everytime, but I guess that's ok. I love the way Rachel got to dance with that guy and Santana being offline was just so sad
Have I already told you that I hate Kitty? No. Fine now you know. We don't need an other Quinn and neitehr do we need someone who destroys the super-cute Jake/Marley thing and noone gets Brittany's job as  head cheerio, got it? :)

But I have to get dressed now, 'casue my whole family is coming over because of my grandma's birthday today, sorry for the spam and spoilers oO

What's your favourite Brittany S. Pierce quote? Mine is 'Dolphins are just gay sharks'

Chrissy out, bitches

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Spanish Teacher

Hi guys, my life is so broring at the moment.
Today my school had an 'hiking day' (I'm not sure if that's the correct term, but google told me) which all the pupils love a lot .. I'm being sarcastic.
The only good thing about hiking days is when you go by bus or train, but we didn't so it was not terrible. My legs are aching badly.
So the reason of this post is that I wanted to tell you that I missed Glee. Hearts and On My Way. I love the songs from Heart and On my Way is my favourite episode in Season 3, so, good job, Chrissy.

I had  my first two spanish lessons and all the girls literally died.He is a young, handsome, half-spanish, half-german teacher and the first thing I thought of was this


I'm so excited for Britney 2.0 today, I'll be able to watch it tomorrow and from what I've heard it's gonna be a funny episode ;)
Btw, my mom managed to break my laptop somehow, yay.
 I have an idea, from now on my posts will include a question for you, which I also answer.. well, I might forget it sometimes, but I'll try to keep it in mind
So. Who's your favourite character on Glee? Mine is Blaine, but I also love Santana.
Chrissy out, bitches

Monday, September 17, 2012


just a really quick post.

OMG GUYS, I've totally forgotten that it's my daddy's birthday tomorrow, I have no present and not a single idea what I should give him .. if someone reads this, please help me!
Luckily I have time to buy him something nice tomorrow.
Oh and it's my grandma's birthday in about 7 days, so, you might help me with that one, too :)
And you know what happens in 2 months minus one day .. I'M FINALLY GETTING 16 *-*
And in 3 months minus one day, it's my uncle's birthday .. so as I said a lot of birthday-stress, nevertheless, BYE!

Chrissy out, bitches

the boredom of a school girl

What a silly post title, I'm just so uninspired and bored at the moment.

So tomorrow is my first 'actual' day of school, first correction of homework and blah ._.
Well, everything is pretty boring here. I was thinking about asking my best friend about being my fellow-author, but I don't know what she's gonna say so .. we'll see :)

WOW! Guys, when I saw this, I was actaully really proud even though it's not a lot. 25 people from Germany, 7 from the US, 2 from Norway and one from the UK saw my blog, wow, wow, wow, thanks a lot!

Here just some pictures about school, enjoy .. as far as this is possible
I don't own any of these pictures, I just found them on


classical attitude


actually 4 days later

So guys, I want to know: what do you like/hate the most about school?
As for me, I hate my class and I love buying all the new stuff like excercise books, folders and stuff :)

Chrissy out, bitches

Thursday, September 13, 2012

glee premire, guys!

Guys, guys, guys! I've totally forgotten to post about the most amazing thing about today .. the Season 4 Glee premiere! Wahooooooooooo, I'm so so so so so excited. So 'The New Rachel' is airing today and I'm so glad the waiting is finally over, even though I think that season 4 might lack some good moments .. I don't know why, but I think Glee can't be the same with all the original characters having graduated. 

On this occasion I wanted to ask you what's your favourite shipping? It can be  a real one or just one you'd love to see. 
I kind of love Blaintana, but I know that's really unlikely but I love shipping them. Something I can't imagine is Mercedes/Finn, that's really odd.

Here the Glee anthem, it feels good to listen to it while waiting for 'The New Rachel'

Chrissy out, bitches

mischief managed

So guys today was my first day of school in 10th grade and I want to apologise that I'm not going to post as often as I did the last few days.

The day wasn't as bad as expected, my teachers are quite ok and the new guy in my class is definitely not an ashole, yay. My friend  from the other class said that he used to live next to her and that he is actually really nice but he can be sort of an idiot when other boys are around, but I guess every boy's like that so he might be more fun to be with then the rest of my irreparable class.
Well, the sitting arrangement is like that:

teacher's desk
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _        _ _ _ _  

the red marked place is the one I managed to caught (I mean literally caught, it's always a huge struggle to get the places you want at the first day), which is the place my friends wanted me to get, yay, applause for me!
But now  we have a little fight about who is going to sit next to who. No one wants to sit at the place the most right because the teachers are always paying a lot attention to these people, but we solved that problem. (I'm going to shorten the names of my friends) A sacrificed herself to sit there, but N & K don't want to sit next to her, but I have no problem with that, the only thing I want in return is that K is going to sit next to me, but N doesn't want her to. And K actually wanted to sit on the place the most left because it's so freakin' cosy there (my teachers forced me to sit there in the first row last year, because I was talking too much). So basically we want the order to be like that N, K, C and A. We're all ok with that except for N, that means we all make a compromiss except for N. Gosh, and that really annoys me a lot because she always gets what she wants she only has to bitch a little, and there she goes ._.
I'm really upset and I had to write this, I'm sorry.

Our timetable is quite good, except for thursday, because school ends at 5.45 p.m. which is the latest a school day has ever ended for me (I know that in the USA school days mostly end so late, but to me it's really a new thing). So here comes my timetable for thursday:
1. Social Studies
2. Economics and Law
3. French
4. Geography
5. Maths
6. Chemistry
7. Free Period
8 + 9. Sports
10. German
11. Arts
I don't like that day, I can tell. Last year I dropped Latin and instead I have spanish lessons now, I'm really excited about spanish, because I think it's the greatest language on this planet :)
Oh and we had to write a letter to our future-us's today, we'll get that letter after this year and I guess I'm going to laugh my ass off while reading that letter in a year. So tomorrow is the religious service and on monday there's a first aid course, but after that the hard times will start, our german teacher, who is also our head teacher told us that we're going to have an english and a maths test in about 1 and a half week, yay.

Chrissy out, bitches

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

useless information

I found this somewhere on the internet and I think it's quite funny, so you're going to achive some useless information about me, if you read this .. enjoy :)

50 Questions To Really Get To Know Someone
  1. Are you a morning or night person? - I guess I'm a morning person, because normally I sleep at night and get up in the morning (yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but there're a lot of moments when it's the other way round)
  2. Do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? - Sweet. I mean oreos are sweet, so..
  3. Ninjas or pirates? - Pirates
  4. Ninjas vs pirates, discuss: - I guess since Captain Jack Sparrow there's nothing left to discuss
  5. Autobots or Decepticons? - Dunno
  6. What was your favorite childhood television program? - Recess
  7. Are you a collector of anything? - Rings and postcards
  8. If you could be any animal, what would you be? - A parrot, I could fly and talk and seriously I'd be chic :)
  9. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? - Invisbility
  10. What is usually your first thought when you wake up? - Best. Dream. Ever. 
  11. What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? - Pretending to be famous and having conversations with the celebrities I like the most at that moment
  12. What's your favorite color? - Red
  13. What's your favorite animal? - Dogs, particularly Yorkshire Terriers
  14. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? - Yep, why not.
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? - Yeah, because I think, if someone dies they can't just vanish, I mean something must happen to them but I don't think that they can sense us or anything..
  16. Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? - Nope
  17. If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? - Buying my parents and my grandma a cruise, buying an appartment in New York City and London, donate some money to an aid organisation and deposit the rest at the bank :)
  18. Have any bad habits? - I'm a liar, don't get me wrong, I can be super honest but I lie at the most unfitting moments
  19. Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? - Girly bitches pretending to be drunk after one beer
  20. List 2 of your best personality traits: - I'm an amazing best-friend and I am pretty generous
  21. List 2 of your worst personality traits: - The wohle lying thing and I am the laziest thing you can imagine
  22. Have any celebrity crushes? My first celebrity crush was Zac Efron, then a wanna-be crush on Johnny Depp and since nearly two years now it's a crush on Darren freakin' Criss
  23. List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself: - My appearance.
  24. Any tattoos or piercings? - No.
  25. What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? - Style, then face
  26. Whats your dream date? - Dunno. 
  27. What personality traits do you look for in a partner? - Honesty.
  28. What personality traits do you dislike in other people? - Arrogance.
  29. Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years? - NO WAY
  30. Are you mostly a clean or messy person? - Rather clean
  31. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? - London
  32. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? - New York City
  33. List 5 goals on your life's to-do list: - Being a successful actress, making my family proud, proving all the haters wrong, parachute jump and finding my true love
  34. Name 1 regret you have: - This sounds as if I was a bitch, but I am really not a bitch, not at all. I'm a virgin, I've never had a boyfriend and I've never been kissed. But there's that one guy, who wanted to  bring me home after my first party and I said no. I guess that could have been my first kiss, but I was such an idiot and said no :o
  35. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: - Being carried to bed after falling asleep on the couch
  36. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: - I'm not a real adult yet, sorry
  37. What's your favorite song of the moment? - Spectrum by Florence + The Machine
  38. What's your favorite song of all time? I don't know, but at the moment, I say it's Not Alone by Darren Criss, because that song thaught be that being who I am is not a bad thing because there're always people like me .. and I think that song really changed me
  39. What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? - Watching television
  40. What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? - Hanging around with my best friend
  41. Have any hidden talents? - I guess I'm a good actress and my voice quite ok 
  42. You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal? - Oreo. Oreo. Oreo. Oreo.
  43. What would be your dream job? - Actress.
  44. Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? - 100 million dollars, sorry love
  45. If you could have 5 wishes granted, what would they be? - Healthy for all the people I love, more justice generally, being an actress, the ability of flying and whenever I'd say ACCIO DOUBLESTUFF a pack of oreos would appear
  46. Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? - Yeah, when it's really hot and the boys can take off their shirts and I'm standing there .. sweating my ass off
  47. Name 1 thing not many people know about you: - That I want to be an actress
  48. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? - Grace or Rachel
  49. Do you believe in the afterlife? - Sort of..
  50. On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies? - I love cookies but there's nothing more amazing than oreos
so now you know, don't judge.

Chrissy out, bitches

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

amazing news

My mummy and I went shopping the other day, because my huge wardrobe is a little empty :) Well, it's not a lot but I thought I might show you the new stuff I got

black jeggins from H&M

shirt from VERO MODA

knitted cardigan from ZARA

shoes from DEICHMANN

I loveeee those shoes, I'm anxiously awaiting the day I'll wear them, because now it's a little too hor for them.

Now you'll get the news :)

The bad news is that tomorrow is the last day of my summer holidays, and I'm really scared of going back to school, but I guess there'll be a post about my fear of going back tomorrow.

The good news is that my friend and I convinced our parents of going to Ring*Con and we bought a day ticket for saturday and the tickets for the train, WAHOOOOO, I can't believe that we're going to see Daniel Gillies (Elijah on The Vampire Diaries) and -of course Team StarKid! 
Wow, I'm so excited, I don't really know what else to say ..

A huge thank you to my only follower Izzy and to Blazers and Bow-ties, whose blog is amazing and who saw the post about my blazers *-*

Chrissy out, bitches

Friday, September 7, 2012

it's this jealousy ..

What is jealousy?

Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as angerresentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy.

thank you very much, aunt Wikipedia.

Well, at the moment I am really jealous. Wanna know why? 
I like this page on Facebook, it's called Team Darren Criss, well they have a new admin, Fiona, who told us that her english teacher once dated Darren. First thing to be jealous of. They still talk and well, I think that Fiona is happy to have such an amazing teacher. 
So there was this other girl. who said she had his phone number. More jealousy. I wrote to her and she told me how she got his number .. I'm not going to tell you because I think it's pretty personal and that wloud be such a long story, well she seems to be really nice, but I can't stop that green-eyed monster, which makes me even more jealous. Wow, I think she has achived a lot.

Now a nice thing. She told me that there would be a convention in Germany and a couple of StarKids would be going there. It's called RingCon, here the link
so as you may see it's pretty soon, 5th - 7th october, I'D LOVE TO GO THERE, but it might be to last-minute for my partens and especially for my best friend's mom, because I won't go there without her.

So wish me luck to persuade my parents and my friend's mom and you will get the most amazing post you could ever dream of, PROMISE

here's a song which expresses my feelings so well at the moment .. well fitting to it's source a song from Darren Criss in a lyrics version ♥

an meine deutschen Leser: na, was ist mit euch, geht ihr zur RingCon? Ich würde mich über antworten freuen :)

Chrissy out, bitches

missing necklace

Yaay, my dad and I found my long missing necklace.

here's the story about how I got it, how I lost it and how I found it

It's my favourite necklace, even though it's not the most fashionable one, because I got it for my 14th birthday from a really good friend. Well, she used to be a good friend, but now she's busy with being the pretty, popular girl and finding other pretty friends. That's why I love the necklace so much .. it reminds me of the time we spent together, wow, that sounds so cheesy, but that's the way it is, we used to sing together and to talk about the future we were dreaming of .. oh my gosh, I get really soppy right now .. her birthday is a couple of days earlier than mine and we agreed on NO PRESETNS, but we ended up giving each other necklaces. Yeah, that's how I got it.

There's a theatre group I love a lot, it's called Team StarKid, they do amazing plays, the one that is involved in this story is called 'A Very Potter Musical'. It's a play based on the Harry Potter novels from JK Rowling, in which Darren Criss (Blaine Anderson on Glee) is playing the Harry .. well, my best friend and I were in my bedroom re-playing a scene from this play

look at 8:43 - 9:07
I was Ron and I took the necklace and I flailed the necklace around and let go of it, then it fell behind my huge (and it's literally huge, you can't just shove it around when something falls behind it) wardrobe. So that's how I lost it.

Ok and now comes the story about how I found it. Over my bedroom is the attic and it's not that well build .. so after 10 years living in that house sort of a bump build on my ceiling, so my dad tried to fix it .. he had to shove the wardrobe in order to reach the bump. So we found a lot of dust and MY NECKLACE. True Story. Happy Ending. Yay.

On this occasion I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for my english, I know it's not bad, but I'm sure there're so many mistakes
Btw, please check out Team StarKid on Youtube if you don't know them already

Chrissy out, bitches

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I've been searching for bloggers who share the same interests as I do and I found some .. here's the first one I want to show you

that's basically a blog about a girl from the UK who is blogging about her life (things as auditions and stuff) and she likes Glee and Team StarKid and yeah, I've been stalking her blog today and I have to say, I like the blog so far and she seems to be really nice

She even inspired me to show you my blazers, which I love a lot.. I mean, I wear them a lot, when it's raining, when it's to hot to weat a jacket but to cold to go without anything on your shoulders and when I think they're just très chic (oh my gosh, I'm sorry, but I had to say that :))

black blazer (sorry it looks a little lopsided) I don't know where the blazer's from I bought it on eBay

lemon yellow blazer from ZARA

dark blue blazer from New Yorker (also lopsided, sorry)

mom's old baby pink blazer from some Russian shop

let me know what you think about my babies *-*

Chrissy out, bitches

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I'm going to introduce my favourite book (besides the Harry Potter series) to you, which is called 

                          The Perks of Being a Wallflower (german: Vielleicht lieber morgen)

my friend and I know this book for nearly two years now and now there'll be an (certianly amazing) film, 
it's directed by Stephen Chbosky who is also the writer of the book.
                                                                  the cast

well, basically the book and film is about the freshman Charlie who is a wallflower .. THE BOOK IS JUST SO AMAZING .. I really don't know what to tell you so instead of that I'll show you the english trailer (and a german summary about the book which I really like a lot)

The Perks of Being a Wallfolwer (english film trailer) 

Buchtipp: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
mir gefällt ihre Zusammenfassung über das Buch wirklich super, vor allem das mit dem 'roten Faden' ist total gut gesagt, also lest alle das Buch, weil es unglaublich gut geschrieben und perfekt für Teenager ist

btw, ich poste auch manchmal auf deutsch :)

Chrissy out, bitches

hell to the no

remember what I told you guys yesterday, about the Glee Listening Party?
I missed it .

I definitely know that they were showing It's Time from Imagine Dragons sung by Blaine and  Carly Rae Jepsons's Call Me Maybe sung by the whole Glee cast, I guess
Oh and Brittany sang Gimme More by Britney Spears
Other than that, I've heared something about a Lady Gaga or J.Lo song and something about Justin Bieber ..

but I have some good news, I couldn't find a version of the performance but I guess this is also pretty amazing

It's Time by Imagine Dragons. Sung by Blaine with the Cheerios 

Chrissy out, bitches

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Glee Listening Party

this is  dedicated to all the gleeks out there

I hope you guys know what's going on today .. or for most people in Europe tomorrow 
                                               THE GLEE LISTENING PARTY

it's going to be at 4pm PT / 7pm ET which is 1 a.m. in Germany, if my friend googled it correctly and do you know what an incredible gift FOX is going to give us 
                                           5 SONGS FROM SEASON 4 EPISODE 1&2

I hope that they'll show us Blaine's performance of 'It's Time' by Imagine Dragons, which is also the song being played in the background of Glee's season 4 trailer *-*

let me know what you guys think about the five songs and whether you are as excited as I am for season 4 

Chrissy out, bitches


well, well, well, so this is my first blog and my first post .. gosh, I have no clue how to start this

So guys, if you love Harry Potter, Glee and stuff like that you're at the right place, because I'm a huuuge gleek and potterhead and I want to share my obsession with you.
I guess that was it for now, because I don't know what else to tell you at the moment but while I have a creative break I'm trying to make my blog look a little bit more nice, so..

Chrissy out, bitches